Pricing Comparison

We're honest about our pricing and what fees are involved in running your business this is why we've put this handy comparison table together to show how we compare to a competitor.


Subscribers Subbly ($/mo) Competitor* ($/mo) Annual Savings ($/yr)
10 $34.25 $53.38 $229.56
50 $100.25 $110.88 $127.56
75 $125.88 $146.81 $251.28
100 $151.50 $182.75 $375.00
250 $355.25 $398.38 $517.56
300 $406.50 $470.25 $765.00
500 $711.50 $757.75 $555.00
750 $967.75 $1,117.13 $1,792.56
1000 $1,224.00 $1,476.50 $3,030.00


Based on a $25 monthly box.

We have included the necessary payment gateway processing fees in these amounts.

Competitor's Formula

$39 + ($0.10 + 1.25%) + ($0.30 + 2.9%)

Subbly's Formula

Monthly fee + ($0.30 + 2.9%)

The reason you save money with Subbly in most cases is because we don't add an additional transaction fee for subscription based transactions.

*Ask us for the source of our data.

Last updated: 23rd April 2015