It’s essential that you use the correct paperwork to conduct business. For many businesses, on certain occasions you might need to take credit card payment in person. However sometimes the business doesn’t have the facility to physically process this. This is when they need a credit card authorization form to fill in and get their customer to sign it. This is an effective way of bootstrapping a business or getting commitment first and processing later.

For this reason, as a platform that helps businesses run smoother by processing both one time and recurring payments we’ve put together these free downloadable templates and swipe files.

These forms will work for both credit and debit card authorisation. Below are forms for both recurring and one time authorisations.

We’ve taken the time to design these forms properly to look aesthetically pleasing and professional and to be easily editable. Now, you’re able to collect payment information from customers for your products, goods, services or even for donations. You can use them in-store, at events, at industry conferences and more.

Credit Card Authorization Form Usage Instructions

It’s really easy to use these credit card authorization forms.

  1. Download or copy (easy on Google Docs) the correct form for your use case (recurring or one time)
  2. Modify the business information
  3. Add your logo
  4. Print
  5. Fill it out
  6. Get the customer to sign it
  7. Process payment!
  8. Destroy the form by shredding – this is important.

Bonus Tip

You can save trees and generate a PDF version to use with a service like PandaDoc to request customers to fill it out digitally.

Links & Downloads

Below are links to both downloadable Word docs and copy-able Google docs. License information below.

Single Transaction Authorization Forms

Recurring Billing (Payment) Authorization Forms

Who Are We?

We’re Subbly and we make running a business online easy, our speciality is subscription businesses. We can handle one time payments and recurring payments automatically taking away the headache and admin work. At a conference or event? No problem. Just set it up on a laptop or iPad!

Creative Commons Licence
Credit Card Authorization Form Template by Subbly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

By Stefan Pretty
Founder & CEO of Subbly