Understand the reasons behind cancellations, and automatically provide customers with special offers at the moment of cancellation.
Churn optimization
Based on 1000 customers at 12% growth rate.
Please note, this is not a real-life scenario. However, it is based on multiple real-life cases.
Churn optimization
Based on 1000 customers at 12% growth rate.
Please note, this is not a real-life scenario. However, it is based on multiple real-life cases.
Set up a flexible survey with reasons for cancellation that are unique to your business, or ask clients to input their own reasons.
Make sure you didn’t get cancelled because of blocked payments. You can also ask your subscribers to commit for a longer subscription period in exchange for discount.
Set up an automated sequence of actions to prevent your clients from unsubscribing.
Create promotional campaigns to regain clients by offering loyalty programmes or increasing perceived value through timely communication